Maximize Space Utilization
When Bode is tasked with replacing old shelving and out of date workbenches, or even helping fill a brand-new space Bode uses Rousseau products for a variety of reasons. These reasons are geared toward what clients are really looking for in their storage rooms such as maximum space utilization, more room for materials, and utilizing the current area to its fullest potential in order to save money.
The main factors involved in The Bode Process are:
- Minimizing Dead Air Space & Use of Optional Variety
- The Use of High Density Storage options
- Regaining Valuable Floor Space
In this write-up, we delve into these factors that are imperative when creating/updating a new storage system.
Minimizing Dead Air Space & Use of Optional Variety
A common theme that Bode sees when looking at standard shelving is the amount of dead air space that it creates, as well as the lack of variety in storage options for effective space utilization. When creating a new storage system for a client Bode looks at the entirety of usable space in order to make the area as cost-effective as possible. To eliminate dead air space, Bode uses a variety of shelving and drawers that offer high-density storage solutions for different sizes and types of materials. On top of creating a variety of storage options at floor level there may also be the option to add a second level to the project. This second level can be outfitted with a variety of options such as catwalk mezzanines, high-rise shelving, and deck-over shelving. Using all the space that the client is already paying for and making it a part of the system is the biggest factor in creating an effective storage system.
Comparing High-Density Storage to Standard Shelving
Talking more about high-density storage solutions and what they offer we can see that standard shelving has its downsides when compared to these options. These downsides are listed below:
Dead air space
(talked about previously). The requirement to have space in order to reach into a shelf and gather materials. Created from both issues 2 and 3.
Issue with line-of-sight
Standard shelving creates an area where light can’t reach which generates either more dead space because items do not get placed in that area, or a lack of attention to the materials because they can’t be seen.
Difficultly in gathering materials
Because standard shelving creates a limited way of distributing storage, some materials (considered heavy or large) may be too high or too low. This can create a strain and potential for injury on the individual gathering those materials, as well as add to both dead air space and line-of-sight issues.
As you can see each of these downsides link together and cause each other to occur. High-Density storage aims to fix these issues presented by standard shelving. This is done through a few aspects:
Drawers represent High-Density storage. These allow materials to be placed in a compacted area that can roll out into a walking space. This not only eliminates lighting issues and dead air space, but also creates a more effective use of the space reserved for walking.
These drawers can also be made to hold heavier materials allowing them to be rolled into the walking area and placed at the bottom of shelving units. This eliminates the strain on the worker and the potential of injury.
Optional Variety
We discussed previously about optional variety in designing a storage system. Now we look at the variety of options available within individual shelving units. These options include dividers, different-sized shelves, cubbies, boards, and much more. These options help to eliminate more of the dead air space and create an organized look to the storage system.
Regaining Valuable Floor Space –
Through the implementation of High-Density Storage and a focus on effective space utilization methods Bode can restore open floor space to the area. Having the ability to put multiple shelves of materials into one or two shelving units can create room for future projects, storage expansions, or larger sections of floor storage.
The Bode Process is focused on making your storage space operate with maximum space utilization. Our goal is to give our clients an efficient and cost-effective way of using their space, while offering the best in modular storage products.
“We rely on Rousseau products because they come from a high-quality manufacturer, they ship on time, they offer 18 color choices at no charge, and they offer the best warranty in the industry while being competitively priced.” -Scott Fawcett, President and CEO of Bode Equipment Company